The Assessment Office coordinates the scheduling and administration of assessments and surveys mandated by federal, state and local decision makers.
College students across the nation take proficiency assessments, major field exams and satisfaction/engagement surveys so that institutions of higher education can demonstrate program effectiveness, identify areas for curriculum improvement, and build programming that engages students in the greater world community as well as their chosen academic discipline.
All undergraduate student are required to participate in several assessments and surveys. Undergraduate students may refer to the assessment policy in the undergraduate catalog. You should also check with your advisor to see if your major has a specific assessment requirement.
When should you participate
Check this Timeline that outlines the approximate points in your academic experience when you should expect to participate in an assessment or survey.
What to do if you are contacted by Assessment Office
If you receive an email from the Assessment Office telling you to register for the Assessment of Core Proficiencies, click this General Education Schedule.